Summer Outdoor Activity

Water play does not have to be limited to the water table, take it outside!
Grab a few small pails of water, large paint brushes, and have the kids help paint the playground!
Got some chalk? Let’s kick it up a notch and turn this into a lesson about letters! This is a great activity to do on a hot summer day to push back against that summer knowledge slide…
Beforehand, write some letters on the fence, wall, or floor. Assign each of the students a letter and instruct them to find their letter and “paint” over it. (It doesn’t have to be letters, you can switch it up and use colors, shapes, numbers, or words).
Small amount of prep, minimal mess that will dry in the sun, and tons of fun!
Additional Outdoor Activities:
Tracing Shadows: trace the outline of your partner’s shadow and then color it in to create an alternate identity.
Bird Watching: Set up a bird feeder (or make your own) and journal about what birds you see visiting the feeder each day.
Create your own stationary to send to friends and family. Try crayon rubbings over tree leaves or pressing flowers.
Try some catchy rhyming songs while skipping rope.
Go on an ABC Outdoor Scavenger hunt! A-Ant, B-Bird, C-Cloud.
Act out a familiar story. There are tons of adventure books to choose from: “We’re going on a Bear Hunt”, “We’re going on a lion hunt”, “The Listening Walk”, “Where the Wild Things Are”, and so much more!