Karen TitoloMar 10, 2022IKS AcademyCrisis or Opportunity? How the staff shortage can change the way you build your team for good.In the beginning of 2021, enrollment and recovering from the pandemic’s effects were the biggest issues in childcare. As the year...
Karen TitoloFeb 18, 2022WebinarBuilding a culture of promotion as a retention strategyPeople are quitting their jobs in record numbers. Since April 2021, 15 million people have left their jobs. Experts are forecasting that...
Karen TitoloDec 2, 2021IKS AcademyFacebook Marketing Made EasyIn today’s world, it’s just a fact - you HAVE to be on social media to run a successful early learning service. It’s where your parents...
Karen TitoloDec 2, 2021IKS AcademyFollow Up = Families EnrolledA family contacts your center. They tour, they love it, and they sign up. Don’t you wish that it was that easy all the time? While some...
Karen TitoloOct 20, 2021IKS AcademyStand out from the competitionThese days, many parents are looking for more than the convenience of the nearest childcare service or the one with the lowest price....
Karen TitoloOct 20, 2021IKS AcademyGet people togetherDeveloping a sense of community and a place where parents and children feel that they are a part of something is an important way for...